- He was stark naked, and already his body was dripping perspiration from the enervating heat, coated blue with sand wherever sand had touched it. Elsewhere his body was white. 这时他才发现自己竟然是一丝不挂,流着汗的身体到处沾满了蓝色的沙土,裸露在蓝色之外的地方则是一片白晰。
- He came out of the bathroom stark naked. 他一丝不挂地从浴室走了出来。
- They often wandered around the house stark naked(= completely naked). 他们经常赤身裸体地在房子周围漫步。
- You paid$50 for that hat? You must be stark raving mad! 你为了那顶帽子花了五十美元?你一定是捉狂到不行。
- I locked myself out of my house, stark naked, and got caught by Mike. 我把自己锁在了房子外面,全裸,还被迈克看见了。
- Fairly disoriented, I jumped down out of our little loft-bed, and standing stark naked, faced the windshield. 几乎是糊里糊涂地,我从小高架床上跳了下来,光着身子,甚至都没想到穿上衣服,面向挡风玻璃站着。
- And the realities of Nixon's first term were stark. 而尼克松第一次任职期间的现实是严峻的。
- Fairly disoriented,I jumped down out of our little loft-bed,and standing stark naked,faced the windshield. 几乎是糊里糊涂地,我从小高架床上跳了下来,光着身子,甚至都没想到穿上衣服,面向挡风玻璃站着。
- Social divisions in the city are stark. 城市里各社会阶层有明确的分野。
- Without it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in. 自己没有文凭,好像精神上赤条条的,没有包裹。
- She came at once upon a handsomely engraved and colored frontispiece -- a human figure, stark naked. 刚一打开下一页,一张精制的彩色裸体图立即映入眼帘。
- Fairly disoriented,I jumped down out of our little loft-bed,and standing stark naked, faced the windshield. 几乎是糊里糊涂地,我从小高架床上跳了下来,光着身子,甚至都没想到穿上衣服,面向挡风玻璃站着。
- The choice will be starkest over Iraq. 在伊拉克问题上两人的立场差异最明显。
- She came at once upon a handsomely engraved and colored frontispiece -- a human figure, stark naked . 刚一打开下一页,一张精制的彩色裸体图立即映入眼帘。
- This they set down for me, as before, and I sent Xury on shore with my jars, and filled than all three. The women were as stark naked as the men. 她们把泥缸放在地下,然后像第一次那样远远走开。我让佐立带了三只水罐上岸去取水。那些女人也和男人一样,全都赤身裸体,一丝不挂。
- As he's flying around the stratosphere letting off steam, he spots Wonder Woman lying on her back stark naked sunbathing on the beach. 当的懊恼。当他在高空飞行时,他看到了神力女超人在沙滩上裸著身子在做日光浴。
- Has stark naked, has puts on the swim suit, to have the body to contact and so on, after looking, guarantees not disappointedly. 有一丝不挂的、有穿泳装的、有发生肢体接触的等等,看了之后保证不失望。
- The contrast with Japan's retail investors could not be starker. 相比之下,日本的散户投资人却无法如此绝情。
- SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex. 很多方面的比较足以使他们产生这种民族自卑感。
- The Irishman, for such I understood him to be, was stark mad at this bait, in short, he courted me, made me presents. 那位爱尔兰人,我听说他是那里人,看到这块肥肉,简直疯了,总之,他向我求婚,送我许多礼物。